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Natural Bunny Fertilizer

Natural Bunny Fertilizer
Natural Bunny Fertilizer

Our Natural Bunny Fertilizer is lovingly made by our Holland Lop bunnies! Packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, minerals and micronutrients.


​Bunny manure is the #1 fertilizer for any garden! This fertilizer is collected daily, sun dried, and sorted from hay and feed to ensure that the fertilizer that you receive will be dry, with minimal hay and fur. This is a cold manure, you can throw it directly on your garden or potted plants. No need to compost!


Bunny manure is non-toxic and odor free, making it the ideal fertilizer to store at home or around other pets and children.

Since bunny manure is odor free, you can easily use it to fertilize indoor plants and herb gardens!

Bunny manure cannot be over used nor cause damage to delicate plants. It is also completely safe for the environment and the bees and other wildlife!

Bunny manure does not need to be composted or processed to use! Simply bury the desired amount of fertilizer into the soil surrounding your plants and it will soak up the nutrients!


Rabbit manure is one of the best manures for organic gardens! Our natural bunny fertilizer is a quality, time-released fertilizer for all of your gardening needs. Simply sprinkle in your garden or potted plant, water, and watch your plants thrive!

Rabbit manure is excellent for soil and a true source of organic matter which improves the soil structure, drainage, and moisture retention. This nutrient packed manure is also beneficial to soil microorganisms and improves the lifecycle – earthworms love bunny fertilizer!


Rabbit manure is a cold manure and will not burn plants because it breaks down quickly so it is safe for your garden right away! Composting is not necessary. It is loaded with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, minerals, and micronutrients. It also contains trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, sulfur, copper, and cobalt. Fresh bunny manure is approximately 2% nitrogen, 1% phosphorus, and 1% potassium- referred to as 2-1-1 fertilizer. Our bunny manure also includes ammonia which gives a boost to the nitrogen already in the manure. Rabbit manure doesn’t have a strong odor making it easy to use.

You can also make Rabbit Tea by adding 1/4 cup of bunny fertilizer to 1 gallon of water and soak for 3-5 days. Water at base of plants for added enrichment.

Our Natural Bunny Fertilizer is sun-dried to prevent mold and comes in an airtight bag to keep it dry until you are ready to use.

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Natural Bunny Fertilizer


Natural Bunny Fertilizer

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